Research Overview
AI for Soil and Groundwater Contamination
AI for soil & Groundwater Contamination Monitoring for groundwater contamination–particularly groundwater sampling and analysis–is currently done primarily for compliance purposes, with data often used simply
Geochemical Characterization and Modeling
Geochemical Characterization and Modeling The primary geochemical concerns for long-term monitoring are the geochemical conditions that could reverse contaminant attenuation, or the contaminant release that
HPC-based Reactive Transport Modeling
HPC-based Reactive Transport Modeling Groundwater flow and reactive transport modeling capabilities have advanced significantly in the past decade. In particular, DOE Office of Environmental Management
In situ Real-Time Monitoring for Early Warning Systems
In situ real-time Monitoring Monitoring for Early Warning Systems In situ sensors can be a powerful alternative to conventional groundwater sampling and laboratory analysis; particularly
Spatially Integrative Monitoring: Surface Cap Systems Monitoring
Spatially Integrative Monitoring: Surface Cap Systems Monitoring Most of the DOE legacy sites have surface capping or surface infiltration barrier systems to minimize infiltration into
Spatially Integrative Monitoring: Wetland Monitoring
Spatially Integrative Monitoring: Wetland Monitoring Groundwater seeps are the region where contaminated groundwater emerges to the surface, which is often one of the major ecological